Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Week2 Portfolio Spread

When you make a piece of art it is for all to enjoy. How do you make sure that it is always there? You have to protect it. Sketch books are one way to have all your ideas and concepts down so that you have something to start on later. I had some Ceramic projects and I packaged them in a box with lots of tissue around it. This is in the photo to the right. I also photographed my art. here is another photo that shows this. If you have big paintings, charcol prints, or just big pieces you shold buy or make a carrying case for them with sheets of cardboard inbetween so that nothing smudges the art. I did this with my work. If you protect your art it will be around for all to enjoy. Taking photos of them means that it will always be there even if it ever gets destroyed.

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